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Masters Assorted Watercolor Brush Set of 12  set of 12 watercolor flats and rounds

Masters Assorted Watercolor Brush Set of 12 set of 12 watercolor flats and rounds

A complete brush set that is value priced for watercolor students who do not have a large budget but want the freedom of expression that a variety of sizes offers. Set includes one each of the following: flat sizes 2, 3, 6, 7, 10, and 11 and round sizes 1, 4, 5, 8, 9, and 12.

Winsor & Newton Series 985 Flat Watercolor Brushes 3/4 in.

Winsor & Newton Series 985 Flat Watercolor Brushes 3/4 in.

Flat watercolor brushes made with the finest white nylon for filling in larger areas especially when a hard edge is required. The beveled plastic handles are great for burnishing, highlighting, scraping, and removing color.

Princeton Watercolor Brush Set  set of 4

Princeton Watercolor Brush Set set of 4

Set includes series 4050 brushes: round size 2/0, round size 6, wash size 1/2 in. and stroke size 1/4 in.

Winsor & Newton Series 295 Golden Nylon Watercolor Brushes 1/2 in. flat

Winsor & Newton Series 295 Golden Nylon Watercolor Brushes 1/2 in. flat

A blend of Golden Taklon and natural hair for increased color holding capacity in a flat head shape for watercolor washes. Nickel plated seamless ferrules with plastic beveled handle.

Princeton Series 4050 Round Synthetic Sable Watercolor Brush size 3 round

Princeton Series 4050 Round Synthetic Sable Watercolor Brush size 3 round

Richly distinctive gold ferrules and marbleized red hardwood handles. Synthetic sable blend imparts a better brushability and color holding capacity.

Silver Brush Watercolor Brush Set  set of 6

Silver Brush Watercolor Brush Set set of 6

Silver Brush quality in this versatile set of watercolor brushes. Brushes included: 3009S - 3/4" oval, squirrel/synthetic blend; 5519S - 3/4" oval mop, goat hair; 7210S - size 8 oval, kolinsky; 3000S - size 8 round, squirrel/synthetic blend; 2007S - size 0 script, Taklon fibers; and 2008S - 1/2" square wash, Taklon fibers.

Princeton Series 4050 Stroke Synthetic Sable Watercolor Brush 1/4 in. stroke

Princeton Series 4050 Stroke Synthetic Sable Watercolor Brush 1/4 in. stroke

Richly distinctive gold ferrules and marbleized red hardwood handles. Synthetic sable blend imparts a better brushability and color holding capacity.

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